Ch. Kilfinan Country Clover (Jinny) 3CC's 2RCC's

( Ch. Merrythorpe Mulberry x Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Farmers Girl)

We feel proud and privileged and very lucky to have Jinny . Having deliberated a long time over which sire to choose for Tess it was a now or never decision and it was nearly never! We were delighted when we were presented with 3 puppies from her and the very handsome and sweet natured Murry ( Ch. Merrythorpe Mulberry)chosen for his ability to produce super offspring to many different types of Beardie dams.He appealed to us for type and temperament and reminded us of our own Finn.
Jinny is very special and has the sweetest expression and cheekiest nature. Taking after mum she is a dominant character who is very rarely seen without a toy or a bone in her mouth!
We have to thank Breed specialist Angie Pedder ( Caldermist) for a wonderful day at Belfast 2010 when she awarded her a RCC from Junior.

Puppy Jinny ( about 6 months old)


Jinny winning the Junior Stakes Heat under Derek Smith 2010.


Jinny in a rare moment of serenity!


Jinny on a day out at The Secret Garden in Denbigh with dad and baby Badger.


Jinny winning her 2nd CC at the Scottish Kennel Club Show May 2013

Many thanks to Breed Judge: Cath Moffat

Image: Kilfinan Country Clover SKC 2013

Jinny in the Group ring after winning her 3rd CC and BOB at Leeds Ch. Show under breed specialist Mrs. Gill Yeates ( Odderwood)


Finding some shade on a hot day!


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