NEWS 2019

29.12.19: Wirral Open Show

Kilfinan Ladybird: 1st Jun., 2nd PG , BP and PG3

Kilfinan Country Colleen ShCM : 3rd Open

Kilfinan Nightingail: 3rd AVNSC Terrier Puppy

Kilfinan Seren Gail at Sunabil : Res. AVNSC Terrier Puppy

Not to the judges liking today but they all went well and we couldn't ask for more. The 2 Skye puppies look so immature but they both went well for onlytheir 2nd show. Our judges today were Mrs. A. Walters (Goytre) for Beardies and Mrs. J. Marshall (Jepejo). 

21.12.19: Darwen CS Open Show

Kilfinan Ladybird: 1st Puppy and Jun., BP, BOB, G2 and PG1

Kilfinan Country Colleen ShCM : 1st Open,1st AV Pastoral Veteran and BVIS

Kilfinan Nightingail: 2nd AVNSC Terrier Puppy and 1st AV Terrier Puppy

Kilfinan Seren Gail at Sunabil: 3rd AVNSC Terrier Puppy and 2nd AV Terrier Puppy.

What a super day! delighted with the performance of all our dogs today particularly as the Hall was so big and echoey. Rhona and Inca took it all in their stride and made us very proud . Lovely day enhanced by the companionship of good friends. Thanks to Judges Ed Casey (Moyglass)for the Terrier classes and BVIS, Michaela Dunhill (Fantasa/Vormund) for Bearded Collie breed classes , Steve  Atkinson (Holinswell)for AV Pastoral Vet. and Emma Archibald Abinvale) for the Groups. The downside was I forgot my camera!

7.12.19 : Bearded Collie Club Ch Show

Kilfinan Mister Moonlight at Talluarchy : 3rd Deb., Res. PD, Maiden and Nov.

Kilfinan Ladybird : 2nd PB and Nov; 1st Maiden and Deb.

Kilfinan Lady Madonna :3rd Maiden,Res. PB and Deb. and VHC Nov. 3rd Maiden

Thank you to judge Mrs. Yvonne Fox (Bushblades)for her placings for Clover and Lottie who were both on their best behaviour. Lucas also put on a good show under judge Mrs. Kim Evans (Treebeard). Hal and Fern did not appeal to the judges today but we had a lovely day with good friends .

Maghull & Merseyside Open show : 2.12.19

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM; 1st AVNSC Open , Best AVNSCand G1

Thank you to judge Mr. S. McArdle (Mcarmadale) for thinking so highly of Hal. Clover was still in season but Rhona came for the ride and took it all in her stride.

Welsh Northern Counties &Colwyn Canine Club Open Show: 24.11.19

Kilfinan Country Colleen ShCM: 3rd Open , 1st AV Pastoral Vet. and BVIS

Kilfinan Lady Madonna: 1st Puppy and BPIB.

What a great day for Hettie. Clover was supposed to go but was in season however Lottie was there and continues to progress well. Thanks to judges Mrs. Sue Mycroft (Supeta) and Mr. Tony Allcock (Sleepyhollow).

Wrexham Open Show: 16.11.19

Kilfinan Ladybird:1st PG, BP, PG3 and 1st AV Pastoral

As Chris was busy at a Skye Terrier committee meeting Tony and Clover took themselves off to our local show and did reasonably well under judges Mr. Barry Blunden (Licassa) and Mr. Peter Pavey (Joneva). Clover was the only one in PG as there wasn't a Puppy class and her opposition was absent. Fortunately she had some quality pups to compete against in the Puppy Group making the trip worthwhile.

NEBCOL Open Show: 9.11.19

Kilfinan Ladybird : 1st PB and Deb. 2nd Maiden and Novice and BOSPIS

Kilfinan Lady Madonna :VHC PB, Res. Maiden, Novice and Sp. Awards Junior

Talraz Light Up The Sky at Kilfinan : 2nd Grad.

Nice outing on a frosty sunny day , hall was a bit chilly but we are hardy folk us dog exhibitors. Clover was her usual exhuberant self and Shadow showed well despite not being out very often due to being in the process of acquiring a new jacket. Delighted with Lottie who with her mum Lizzie was well placed  particularly in the Sp. Awards class where she was amongst many older dogs. Thank you to our judges Carol Charles( Snikkles) and Liz Ayrton ( Aoibh) Judging the Specials.

Rhyl Open Show: 3.11.19

Kilfinan Lady Madonna: 1st P , BPIB and PG3

As Tony is Sec. and I am on the committee we do not show at this show . Lottie and Lizzie did us proud under Judges Mr. John Ferrigno( Chillibears) and Mr. Dave Morrant .

Midland Counties Ch. Show: 26.10.19

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM: 2nd Open

Kilfinan Ladybird : 3rd Puppy

Kilfinan Mister Moonlight at Talluarchy : Res. Puppy and VHC Junior

Clover enjoyed herself! Hal and Lucas were good boys. Our judge today was all rounder Mr. Jeff Luscott (Jalus).

5.10.19: Bearded Collie Club of Scotland Ch. Show

Kilfinan Mister Moonlight at Talluarchy: 1st MP, 2nd P, Novice and Deb.

19.10.19: Llandudno CS Open Show

Kilfinan Lady Madonna: 2nd Grad. and BPIB. 1st AV Pastoral puppy.

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM: 1st open and BOB

Clover was entered but had been coughing so stayed at home. Lovely to Lizzie and Lottie in the ring, both coming along well. Our judge today was Mr. John Steele . 

6.10.19:Chester City and County Open Show

Kilfinan Ladybird: 1st Junior: BPIB and PG1

Talraz Light Up The Sky for Kilfinan: 2nd PG

Good day with old friends and Clover and Shadow enjoyed their trip out. Thanks to judges Mr. T. Hadley (breed) and Mrs. J. Large (Group)

19.9.19: Driffield Ch. Show

Kilfinan Ladybird: 1st MP,P and BPIB

Kilfinan Country Colleen ShCm: 1st Vet. and CC

Kilfinan Mister Moonlight at Talluarchy: 2nd MP and P


Wow! Well that was a day to remember! Many , many thanks to our judge, breed specialist  Mrs. Cath Parker (Osmart) for her awards today . "Hettie" was hampered by Chris in the challenge as well so it makes it more of a feat!

8.9.19: Richmond Ch. Show

Kilfinan Ladybird: 1st MPB, 1st PB and BPB

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM: 2nd Open and RCC

Tony was flying solo for this show so had his orders ensuring they were groomed to perfection. He must have done a half decent job I guess! Many thanks to our judge Mrs. Stella clarke (Astrellita) for a lovely day.

Flint & Deeside Open Show: 26.8.19

Kilfinan Ladybird: BPIB, PG1, 1st Puppy Stakes and BPIS


Kilfinan Country Colleen ShCM: 3rd AV Pastoral Vet.

What a brilliant day for Clover! Thanks to judges Mr. Ian Entwistle and Ms. Gill Marley (Myrlea).

Welsh Kennel Club : 17.8.19

Kilfinan Ladybird : 1st MPB and BPB

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM : 1st Open and RCC

What a great day thanks to judge Mr. Robin Newhouse (Annecy). 

Leeds Ch. Show : 25.7.19

Kilfinan Mister Moonlight at Talluarchy : Res. MP

Kilfinan Ladybird :2nd MP

Kilfinan Prince Hal JW ShCM: 3rd Open

Due to health issues and building work we have not been anywhere this year so it was pleasing to see Lucas, Clover and Hal doing well in their repective classes under judge Mr. Graham Hill (Dimland).

17.6.19: Puppies!

After 4 years with no puppies our 2nd litter arrived, 4 beautiful Skye puppies from Badger and Isla; 3 bitches and 1 dog. They now have home except for Rhona who will stay here to deafen us!


Fern produced a lovely litter of 5 puppies to Raffy (Ch. Malandex Most Xciting JW) : 3 bitches and 2 dogs. They all secured great homes with previous Beardie owners and Clover remained here to torment us all.

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