Ch. Osmart Lizzie's Country Lass with Kilfinan ( Lass) 3 CC's. 1 RCC

(Ch. Kilfinan Countryman x Ch Osmart Storm's Blue Muslin)

Lass was a showgirl, she entered the ring looking for who was going to be 2nd! Even as a young puppy she looked the part but she had a stubborn side and if she decided she didn't want to cooperate there was nothing Tony could do to convince her . She gained her title in 11 weeks and one of the highlights of her career was when she won the Welsh Contest of Champions in 1998.To her last day , as a fragile 16 1/2 year old Lass still ruled us with a rod of iron and when Lass barked we leapt to her command!

Lass blessed us with a litter to Ch Wellknowe Craftsman, a dog who was by our all time favourite Ch. Wellknowe Crofter. We kept a dog, Scottie (Ir. Ch.  Kilfinan Country Rover) and a bitch , Kitty ( Ir. Ch. Kilfinan Countrygirl).

Lass winning the Welsh Contest of Champions 1998


Judges: Margaret Everton and Michael Quinney.

Image: Lass winning the Welsh Contest of Champions 1998

Image: Ch Osmart Lizzies Country Lass with Kilfinan


Lass at 14 years old.

Well, would you argue with her?

Image: Lass at 14 years old.

Young Lass.

Why is Tony wearing odd shoes? And what has hapened to his hair?

Image: Young Lass .


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